7. Jamaica to Mexico
MARCH 21-28, 2026 // 8 DAYS // 4 CREW // 620 NM // $4,400
Port Antonio, Jamaica to Isla Mujeres, Mexico
This passage will leave the green hillsides of Jamaica and sail WNW over 600 miles to the beautiful waters of Isla Mujeres.
The trades will be blowing hard still and we will have fast sailing, most likely on a broad to beam reach. Arbella will really power-up in these conditions and you will get a taste for helming a 20 ton boat at hull speed! The whole trip will be in the tropics, even as we make some northing, so you can plan on sunshirts and warm weather!
This offshore sail will offer some interesting navigation tactics as we must avoid the Cayman Islands, give Cuba a wide berth, and deal with the north setting current running along the Central American Coast. We will also have the usual things that accompany an ocean passage to contend with, such as squalls, changing weather, shipping, etc. This will also be a fantastic tradewind sail, with the wind abaft the beam for the majority of the trip. Can’t wait for a night watch under those clear, Caribbean, star-filled skies!